Have you ever noticed that when you live in a city, even if you are new to it, you tend not to see all of the tourist-y things it has to offer? I've found this to be the case here, but the solution to the problem is to have someone from out of town to come to visit. Last week, my dear friend from Kansas was here, so we went to see all of the sights. Some were amazing, and those I will talk about later. I have to say, though, that the Space Needle, the iconic building that anyone in the country can identify as ours, is a complete waste. You pay $16 (no student discount) for a two minute elevator ride, and a somewhat pleasant view of the city. And, of course, coffee, food, and tchochkes are incredibly overpriced at the top. I've been told that there is a building downtown which costs all of two or three dollars to go to the top, and has a better view (I don't actually remember which one it is, but I will let you know). So, the moral of the story is, don't waste your money.